Alzheimer’s Research

The Rotary Club of Lake Wylie participates in Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust (“CART”). Each week, Rotarian’s at participating clubs empty all of their loose change from their pockets into the CART bucket. The funds are used to issue grants for cutting edge Alzheimer’s disease research.

Starting in October of 1995, the Roger Ackerman and Dr. Jack Bevan or the Sumter Rotary Club in Sumter, SC initiated the effort to prove that Rotarians voluntarily emptying their pockets of change for a good cause could produce significant levels of funds to support research. Today, The CART Fund is now supported by Rotarians in at least 18 Rotary Districts, primarily in the Southeastern United States.

As of May of 2020, fifty-five grants totaling over $9.2 million has been issued to recognized US research institutions. Through June 30, 2018, the Rotary Club of Lake Wylie has contributed in excess of $6,700 to this effort.